
5 Reasons To Incorporate Brain Science Coaching Into Company Training

5 Reasons To Incorporate Brain Science Coaching Into Company Training

The brain is the most complex part of the body and scientists and psychologists have spent years studying it to decipher how it works. This evolving discipline of neuroscience can also be leveraged by employers to build a thriving workplace and support business success. Here, we look at the role neuroscience plays in helping organisations […]

Beat the January Blues

Beat the January Blues

“When experiencing the January blues, you may feel a general sense of low mood, lack of motivation, and fatigue. Some common symptoms include a decrease in energy levels, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep patterns, and a sense of apathy or indifference. It’s important to note that these feelings are typically temporary and often improve with […]

How to Avoid Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout

Burnout seems to be everywhere, my clients are experiencing it, I’ve experienced it and so have members of my family. Burnout is a real issue for those who have experienced it as it can extremely overwhelming.  Burnout is not always easy to self-diagnose as you may end up saying things like “I’m just tired, or […]

5 Ways to get started in an Ayurvedic Lifestyle

5 Ways to get started in an Ayurvedic Lifestyle

The first time I heard the word Ayurveda was a number of years ago. I became a bit overwhelmed as I began learning about the Ayurvedic practices and routines. How could I do the morning routine if I had to rush to work and take my kid to school? How could I have the time […]

Why Savasana Is the Most Important Yoga Pose

Why Savasana Is the Most Important Yoga Pose

Savasana can be thought of as the most important pose in yoga, yet some people skip it or shorten its duration. If you practice asana (postures), then this last pose of the sequence is very significant and bolsters the effects of all the postures that come before it. Savasana allows you to be in a deep and profound […]

Festive Bliss: Top 5 Tips from Your Health & Wellness

Festive Bliss: Top 5 Tips from Your Health & Wellness

As we wrap ourselves in the warmth of holiday festivities, there’s no better time to prioritise our wellbeing. I’m Gillian McMichael, your dedicated health & wellness coach, and I’m delighted to share five transformative tips to infuse your festive season with a dose of well-deserved bliss. The holiday season can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s where […]

Resilience is not some magical quality

Resilience is not some magical quality

Resilience is not some magical quality; it takes real mental work to transcend hardship or challenge. But even after misfortune, those who are resilient can change course and move toward achieving their goals.  There’s growing evidence that the elements of resilience can be cultivated, and I wholeheartedly believe that being resilient is within our own gift. It […]

Discipline leads to Liberation

Discipline leads to Liberation

Discipline leads to Liberation has been one of my biggest take always from the philosophy of yoga. This was a big part of my teacher training and the more we delved into the topics the more I became intrigued with the whole philosophy of yoga rather than just the asanas (postures). As I arrive home with […]

Holistic health coach

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Benefits of Health and Wellness Coaching

Benefits of Health and Wellness Coaching

In today’s fast-paced society, where the relentless demands of modern life often overshadow self-care, the benefits of health and wellness...

Virtual Health and Wellness Coaching

Effective Strategies for Virtual Health and Wellness Coaching

In today’s fast-paced digital age, the quest for holistic well-being has transcended physical boundaries, ushering in a new era of...

Concept of Health and Wellness Coaching

Concept of Health and Wellness Coaching

It is now more crucial than ever to prioritize the concept of health and wellness in today’s fast-paced environment. As...

Health and Wellness Coaching online

Exploring the Digital Sphere: Health and Wellness Coaching Online

Welcome to our blog, “Exploring the Digital Sphere: Health and Wellness Coaching Online.” In today’s fast-paced world, balancing daily life...

The Foundations of Wellness Coaching

The Foundations of Wellness Coaching

In a period marked by the grim pursuit of well-being and fulfillment, the part of Foundations of Wellness Coaching emerges...

Wellness coaching

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