About Me

Hello, I'm

Gillian McMichael

I am the UK’s leading transformational wellness coach, with over twenty years of experience in helping people find meaning and joy in their lives.

  • Coached over 10,000 clients
  • Trained over 8,000 students to become coaches
  • Works internationally delivering transformational workshops, wellness retreats and events
  • ICF Master Wellness Coach
  • Chopra Centre Meditation Teacher, Ayurvedic & Perfect Health Teacher
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Reiki Master 
  • Holistic wellbeing expert

The Latest from the Blog

Enhancing Well-being Through Growth and Personal Development

Enhancing Well-being Through Growth and Personal Development

Have you ever wondered how growth and personal development can lead to a more balanced state of well-being? Are you struggling to change your routine to enhance your mental and physical health? Are you curious about how holistic health coaching can help you realize your full potential and achieve a better version of yourself? By […]

Evaluating the ROI: The Financial Impact of a Corporate Wellness Coach

Evaluating the ROI: The Financial Impact of a Corporate Wellness Coach

Ever wondered if hiring a corporate wellness coach is worth the investment? Does perfecting employee well-being boost your company’s fundamental line? Today in the corporate world, these questions are more applicable than ever. Companies are increasingly investing in corporate wellness programs, and numerous are seeing palpable benefits. But what exactly is the impact of a […]

The Psychological Benefits of Working with a Corporate Wellness Coach

The Psychological Benefits of Working with a Corporate Wellness Coach

Did you notice some associations and their workers being mentally and physically fit all the time? Did you also notice that similar associations only foster healthier, happier, and more motivated workers? How do they achieve such a positive office atmosphere? The secret often lies in the guidance of a corporate wellness coach who helps design […]

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