The most important question you will ever ask

The most important question you will ever ask-Who Am I?

The most important question you’ll ever ask in your life is who am I? There will come a time in your life, where this question is one that must be answered. But the answer may not come easily.  Most find this a difficult question to answer, because most of us don’t know who we really […]

Steps to becoming more self-aware

Steps to becoming more self-aware

Cultivating a deep sense of awareness is not a difficult task, it just takes a few moments a day to check in with yourself to pause and reflect and to understand.  When we understand how we feel, why we do the things we do, why we make the choices we make and the experiences t […]

How to discover your purpose

How to discover your purpose

Purpose defines who you are; it reflects your passions and values. It provides clarity as you set goals and take action. Your sense of purpose steers how you live your life and how you lead yourself and others. If we really want something, we can have it – we can achieve whatever we want to. […]

The four soul questions

The Four Soul Questions

Let me introduce you to the concept of the four soul questions these questions are life affirming, thought provoking and they will take you out of your comfort zone but it’s important that you reflect upon the questions and answer the questions honestly and openly. When you embark on a journey of self-discovery it’s important […]

Ayurvedic Rituals Of Self-Love

Ayurvedic Rituals Of Self-Love

“There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.”–Martin Luther King What does it mean when you say you love someone? It means you accept the other person for who they are—the good, the bad, the ugly—all of it, unconditionally. Have you ever shown that kind of unconditional acceptance towards yourself? Very […]

Look yourself in the mirror and ask these questions

Look yourself in the mirror and ask these questions

Look yourself in the mirror and ask these questions I have a question for you, can you look at yourself in the mirror and answer these questions? Yep, these are hard questions to answer, but they are there to help you go beyond the surface answers you may be used to giving and get to […]

5 Reasons To Incorporate Brain Science Coaching Into Company Training

5 Reasons To Incorporate Brain Science Coaching Into Company Training

The brain is the most complex part of the body and scientists and psychologists have spent years studying it to decipher how it works. This evolving discipline of neuroscience can also be leveraged by employers to build a thriving workplace and support business success. Here, we look at the role neuroscience plays in helping organisations […]

Beat the January Blues

Beat the January Blues

“When experiencing the January blues, you may feel a general sense of low mood, lack of motivation, and fatigue. Some common symptoms include a decrease in energy levels, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep patterns, and a sense of apathy or indifference. It’s important to note that these feelings are typically temporary and often improve with […]

How to Avoid Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout

Burnout seems to be everywhere, my clients are experiencing it, I’ve experienced it and so have members of my family. Burnout is a real issue for those who have experienced it as it can extremely overwhelming.  Burnout is not always easy to self-diagnose as you may end up saying things like “I’m just tired, or […]

5 Ways to get started in an Ayurvedic Lifestyle

5 Ways to get started in an Ayurvedic Lifestyle

The first time I heard the word Ayurveda was a number of years ago. I became a bit overwhelmed as I began learning about the Ayurvedic practices and routines. How could I do the morning routine if I had to rush to work and take my kid to school? How could I have the time […]